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Welcome to Burnt Toast food blog. We’re Lee and Rebel, mom and daughter home cooks.

Join us in a conversation about our favorite foods, family stories, recipes we’ve updated for food intolerances, and the fun we have cooking together for parties and gatherings.

Cook together. Eat together.

Reimagining Teatime

Reimagining Teatime

Tea Parties Never Go Out of Style

High tea at a grand hotel fills the senses as fine silver tinkles on flowery china, the delicate notes floating toward lofty windows and the sunlit recesses of an ornately painted ceiling.

Teatime with friends in the backyard garden brings with it the scents of summer, the play of light in dappled shade, and the heart-filling vibe of good conversation.

And the tea parties of childhood evoke memories of dress up and Mommy’s old high heels, chatter with imagined faeries, and giggles sipping pretend tea.

At any age, whether in a high-style setting or over a simple spread, tea parties take us just a little bit outside of time and the ordinary. The bite-sized sandwiches and pastries invite us to notice and savor. Floral, citrus, or pungent notes of steaming tea remind us to breathe. Such time set aside in the afternoon just to have an unhurried chat with friends or family has become an extravagance in our hectic lives.

Childhood tea parties, garden teas with friends, or high teas in grand hotels - we recreate fond mom and daughter memories with new tea sandwiches and pastries that are dairy free, lactose free and gluten free.

But All that Dairy and Flour...

Since traditional teas feature foods made of butter, cream, and cheeses plus regular flour, people with food intolerances can’t really enjoy them any more. But we’ve found that it’s just as fun to prepare and host a tea party ourselves. Making and baking finger sandwiches and dainty pastries can slow time and allow us to immerse in creating something delicious and beautiful. And it becomes an especially fun time for mother and daughter to share!

That’s why we’re bringing you a new series on tea parties. Let’s begin with a few tea sandwiches. We’ll add more, plus scones and pastries, in future posts. You’ll already find a couple of scone recipes to try. Our Cardamom, Orange and Tart Cherry Scones and our Lemon Scones with Icing will go wonderfully with a cup of tea.

~ Lee


Southwest Spice Barbecue Chicken

Southwest Spice Barbecue Chicken

5 Tea Party Sandwiches - Dairy Free or Lactose Free

5 Tea Party Sandwiches - Dairy Free or Lactose Free