About Me Photo

Welcome to Burnt Toast food blog. We’re Lee and Rebel, mom and daughter home cooks.

Join us in a conversation about our favorite foods, family stories, recipes we’ve updated for food intolerances, and the fun we have cooking together for parties and gatherings.

Cook together. Eat together.

Pausing for the Pandemic - BRB

Pausing for the Pandemic - BRB

Sheltering in Place We Can’t ‘Cook Together’ – So We’re Taking a Pause

One of our criteria for doing the blog, from the beginning, is that it must give us joy. Last week we talked about ways to work around doing the blog while apart and thought about providing simple recipes that people can follow at home. But, currently, even getting groceries is a challenge.

Our whole vibe is cooking together and offering recipes for gatherings. Every part of this is hard right now.

We caught up on a few recipes we had made before we decided to self-quarantine and the shelter in place order came down.

Then we reflected and talked about how the big fun of our blog is that we get together every Friday, talk and laugh, create recipes and shoot photos, write and revise our posts. Oh, and sample the goods. But at its heart, our blog is about being together.

So we’re going to pause for a few weeks until we can get together again. We might try to use video chat and do a simple recipe each at the same time in our own kitchens. We’ll see how it goes.

Plus, there’s another reason to take a break. Like many people right now, stress and changes due to working remotely mean our regular work is taking up more space to get the usual amount done. Hopefully, we all will continue to adjust to this new, temporary life and find rhythms that work for us.

Before we sign off, we did want to share a few simple dinner or lunch ideas that might help you at home at this time. We hope to offer ideas using simple ingredients you already have on hand or can get easily.

Quick links to recipes on the blog, for easy lunch or dinner:

When you get the urge to bake at home, some simple recipes, dairy free or substitute in butter:

 Big baking fun:

Can’t wait to cook together again.

Be well,

~ Lee and Rebel

Blackberry and Clove Scones - Dairy Free, Vegan

Blackberry and Clove Scones - Dairy Free, Vegan

Chocolate Chunk Cookies - Dairy Free

Chocolate Chunk Cookies - Dairy Free