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Welcome to Burnt Toast food blog. We’re Lee and Rebel, mom and daughter home cooks.

Join us in a conversation about our favorite foods, family stories, recipes we’ve updated for food intolerances, and the fun we have cooking together for parties and gatherings.

Cook together. Eat together.

Simple Cucumber Salad

Simple Cucumber Salad

Make-Ahead Cucumber Salad

This is one of the first salads Lee learned to make. Her mom loved this salad, and usually made it in the summer. It's one of those hand-me-down, too-easy-for-a-recipe kind of dishes: equal parts water and vinegar, a pinch or two of sugar, let it set in the refrigerator for part of the afternoon.

You make it ahead, at least two hours, to let the cucumber and onion soak up the vinegar. By then it's also really chilled, so it's a cold and refreshing salad that makes a terrific side dish. It's tangy with a touch of sweet and a lot of crunch.

Easy cucumber and onion salad with vinegar.
Make-ahead, cold summer salad combining cucumbers, onions, and vinegar.
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Simple Cucumber Salad
Here’s a simple side salad that’s easy to make ahead. It’s tangy with a touch of sweet, and you serve it up well-chilled for a great addition to dinner on a hot summer night.
  • 1 English cucumber (or 2-3 Persian)
  • 1/2 medium white onion
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1/4 cup white vinegar
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon sugar, to taste
  • 1 tablespoon fresh dill (optional)
1. Rinse and dry cucumber. Slice crosswise, medium thin. Slice the onion very thin. Place the cucumbers and onions in a medium bowl. Add a little salt and pepper and mix well. 2. In a small bowl, stir together vinegar, water and sugar until sugar dissolves. Add dill if using. 3. Pour vinegar mixture over cucumbers. Mix well. Taste and adjust sugar and seasoning as needed. 4. Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours or overnight. Stir once or twice to be sure all the cucumber and onion are soaking up the marinade. Serve with a slotted spoon. Keeps for up to two days. Notes: - We like English or Persian cucumbers because they are less bitter. If using regular cucumbers, we recommend peeling in stripes to remove about half of the peel. (It’s also a nice, decorative look.) - You can use apple cider vinegar instead of white vinegar. Add less sugar to start and then taste.
Prep time: Marinade time: Total time: Yield: 6 servings
Grilled Shishito Peppers with Sea Salt

Grilled Shishito Peppers with Sea Salt

Refreshing Blackberry Watermelon Salad with Jicama

Refreshing Blackberry Watermelon Salad with Jicama